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  1. #1
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Splattering of pics from the past few weeks

    I've been pretty busy the last few weeks, and not around internet long enough to get some images uploaded ( was still looking at those posted). so heres a spattering of stuff from the last few weeks. non hav post editing work

    pretty sure this is my first in flight bird shot... just a red winged blackbird, and not great at all.... d200 and 18-135

    allegheny wood rat

    thats all thanks for looking.
    check out my photography website

    Please feel free to edit or change any of my pictures to show me how to improve them.

    Nikon D200
    Nikon D7000 w/grip
    Nikkor AF-S 18-135
    Nikkor AF-S 60mm macro 2.8
    Nikon 70-200 2.8 vr
    Nikon tc-17eII
    Kenoko extension tube set

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Splattering of pics from the past few weeks

    Cool wood rats, La Rue Pine Hills in southern illinois - where I go herping - has a trapping and conservation project with those going. Care to disclose a bit of info about them?
    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Re: Splattering of pics from the past few weeks

    Allegheny woodrat Neotoma magister, in PA is threatened, nationally it is under review.

    It is the size of the norway rat, but looks more mouse like, has a furry tail and greyish dorsal fur with a white belly. Unlike their relatives the eastern wood rat, the allegheny wood rat lives in rock cliffs, caves, scree, etc. they are still pack rats, creating large cashes of dried ferns and veg matter. they are nocturnal and have a home range of about 30 meters ( although we have found some ranging even further). we have been trapping and tagging, taking dna samples (the hole punches in their ears) and other basic measurments... we have also put radio collars on a few and tracked them. Basic work for the PA game commision to find out where they are traveling, where current populations are etc...

    heres some more of my better pics of them (some may have been posted before)- most are better than the photographer from the game commision got.

    The one below has a radio collar, and is walking out of the handling bag (pillow case).

    notice how much darker and singular color the juveniles (below) are compared to the adults (above)

    check out my photography website

    Please feel free to edit or change any of my pictures to show me how to improve them.

    Nikon D200
    Nikon D7000 w/grip
    Nikkor AF-S 18-135
    Nikkor AF-S 60mm macro 2.8
    Nikon 70-200 2.8 vr
    Nikon tc-17eII
    Kenoko extension tube set

  4. #4
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hillsborough NJ, USA

    Re: Splattering of pics from the past few weeks

    What kind of moth is that in the last image? I want one to pupate


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Re: Splattering of pics from the past few weeks

    i'm not sure what kind of moth, it was pretty big though maybe 6 inches from wing tip to wing tip.
    check out my photography website

    Please feel free to edit or change any of my pictures to show me how to improve them.

    Nikon D200
    Nikon D7000 w/grip
    Nikkor AF-S 18-135
    Nikkor AF-S 60mm macro 2.8
    Nikon 70-200 2.8 vr
    Nikon tc-17eII
    Kenoko extension tube set

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