I spent last weekend in southern Illinois, and as usual found a huge assortment of critters to photograph. I didn't get a chance to buy the 600mm I was hoping to, so I skipped birding - although we did hear or see over 100 different species, according to an ornithologist who came with. As for my usual targets, we saw and photographed over 40 different species of reptile and amphibian, and a good time was had by all. I'm still sorting through the massive pile of shots I have to edit, but here are a few from the first night and full day.
Friday night was characterized by a thunderstorm, which brought the amphibians out en masse.
Grey tree frog (cope's)
Northern slimy salamander
cave salamander
southern leopard frog
cricket frog
fowler's toad
And we worked hard to get the ambystoma grand slam - all of the ambystoma found in southern IL.
a mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoidium
marbled salamander, ambystoma opacum
spotted salamander, ambystoma maculatum
And the smallmouth salamander, ambystoma texanum.
That's all I have for now, more as they are finished!!