Here's installment number three, South Texas Waders, 6 photos.
I was amazed by all the different kinds of wading birds we saw. We were staying on South Padre Island, and across the street was the "World Birding Center" with a large marsh crisscrossed by boardwalks. There weren't all that many waders around, but there were so many different kinds, just one or two of each. Except for the Bittern, I found all of these on the first day on the boardwalks. The gale force winds also helped fluff up their feathers a bit for interesting photos.
For the last photo (taken at Estero Llano Grande), we actually have plenty of American Bitterns up here in Washington, but since he's holding a Rio Grande Leopard Frog, he fits the theme pretty well.
1) Roseate Spoonbill, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO800, 1/500
2) Reddish Egret, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/320
3) Little Blue Heron, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO800, 1/320
4) Tricolored Heron, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/400
5) Snowy Egret, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/2500
6) American Bittern, Canon T3, Canon 400mm, f5.6, ISO400, 1/800
Thanks for looking, comments welcome.