All of these except the spoonbill in flight were shot with the 600mm and 1.4x Extender (840mm in my 1DsMII). The Spoonbill was shot with the 600mm and no Extender. All of these are off the tripod, and I must say that the flight shot was actually quite easy with that Wimberley head! What do you guys think of the quality of the shots with the Extender on them? I definitely notice a slight drop in sharpness (especially at actual size), but I think the images are acceptable. I will say that it takes the extenders much better than the 100-400 does! Focus is much slower, but still automatic.
This first one is a shot that I didn't include in the other series (fish picture) that I posted today:
Green Heron in a tree:
This is the only shot in this series without the Extender (I shot this at ISO 800 to get some speed with that big glass, and the quality was actually very good):
Reddish Egret - This fellow was a LONG ways out, and not even remotely close enough to shoot with the 100-400:
This last one's more for entertainment, but is very interesting. Yes, that is a shark in the backgound. This is a freshwater area, but the tides sometimes push the sharks through the channels. VERY strange seeing the shark here, but makes an interesting shot with that Reddish Egret I think :shock: