Earlier this month I loaded up a roll of Velvia 100P into the F4 and headed out to my park. I was using the 70-300 ED VR. I took shooting notes but lost them, so I can't give you any info about shutter speeds, apertures, or focal lengths on these shots. Just think about setting your camera to the lowest ISO it will go to, then strapping on the longest lens you own, and you'll have an idea of where I was this day.
I wish you could all come to the house and see these projected!!!! The very act of scanning them reduces their latitude by at least half, in my own uninformed opinion. Digital just doesn't have the dynamic range to cover highlights and shadows the way nice film does....
A Great Egret wading and fishing. I remember metering this in spot mode to try to avoid blowing out the bird.
This species of dragonfly hovers long enough for even the F4 to get focused!
A Buckeye
This weed was sitting in its own little beam of sunlight along a dark, shady trail. I looked, but found no treasure around or underneath it....
A Monarch along that shady trail
Gulf Fritillary out in the sun
A snake I startled. OK, he actually startled me, because I never saw him until he shot across the trail in front of me. I barely snapped this before he disappeared into the long grass.
This Gulf Fritillary has apparently had a rough time of it!
Finally, a slightly backlit Monarch.