Very nice! I prefer the side poses, but cannot choose one of the three - great job. - Terry
I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.
Last three images I used a Sigma 180mm macro with a 1.4x TC and a 22mm extension tube. Flash was a Sigma ring flash. First image was a Canon 500mm with a Canon 25mm extension tube.
Beautiful images and specimens! Lovely balance of flash and ambient - especially on #1, #3, and #5.
Two questions: 1) on image #3, are the red lumps some kind of parasitic fungus or mites? (I've never seen that species). 2) why the extension tube on the 180mm macro with a TC? You were not closer than the native close focusing distance of that lens. Just curious.
1. They are mites.
2. It allows me a little more distance from the subject and still get close. Butterflies are skittish when you try to get close, with my combination, I can still get close but not close enough to be in the butterflies space. I have used this particular setup for the last 6 years and it has worked very well. I will upload some butterfly images taken with this setup.