A fairly lazy weekend for me. Did get out a bit, but mostly just to my blind to shoot a few common birds.
Here is my "Feeder Nazi". He's definitely the neighborhood bully, and is intimidated by no one.
The Blue Jay is probably the only one not concerned with the Mockingbird.
Now this fellow is the freeloader of the bunch. He never lands on the posing branches. He just zooms straight to the feeders, and then back to the trees. For anyone wishing to debate "pixel density" versus "crop factor", just zoom in on the link below this shot. I own cameras on both ends of the spectrum, and can tell you that pixel density wins hands down.
Gray Catbird. A very shy fellow. Prefers to keep a distance, and normally maneuvers toward the feeders under cover, only to pop out for brief moments. Very difficult bird to shoot.
The Janitors.