Here are shot's from last Saturday morning after I scored on the Bobcat. Early Morning is the way to go.....
These firsr few are from MIRW
1 Tri-Color Heron watching the sun rise.
2 Loggerhead Shrike
3 Juvenile Black crown Night Heron ( I think, always get them confused)
4 Young Blue Heron is a color change
Back to Viera that morning.......
7 Black Bellied Whistling Duck
8 Tri-Color Heron in the salad bowl.......
10 Snowy Egret....I think?
11 Mama BBWD watching the young'in from behind,,,,,
12 Young BBWD taking a venture away from the group...I like this one for the water drops coming off the body.
13 Tri-Color landing
14 Tri-Color cruising along......
15 Pig Frog
16 Snowy Egret?