A current thread by Bev got me thinking about this... I didn't want to hijack hers, so I'm starting a new thread.
If you have a 50mm lens and a telephoto, you can couple them together to get outstanding macro's. It's done by using a reversing ring that has male threads on both sides. Your telephoto lens is attached to your camera, and then the 50mm is attached 'backwards' to your telephoto lens.
Here is a link to see how it's done... http://www.insecta.co.za/ZArticles/revers/revers.htm
This is probably the way I will go for macro's in the future (using a Sigma 150mm macro lens with a Canon 50mm attached).
One drawback to doing this is a very shallow DOF.
And... B&H Photo has the reversing rings for about $8 USD