Gary <><~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olympus SP590UZ ~ Canon A1000 Joshua 24:15
And that it is If you want to get some pics of them with open wings try jamming a peanut in a branch fork .But you will need a fast shutter speed
Nikon Samurai # 24 ( The hiker's creed. ) Take only pictures, Leave only footprints, Kill only time.
my what a big mouth you have....
CAMERA BIRD NERD #1 BIRD NERD O'CANON "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Definitely, the way to lure them in. Nice shot.
Mike Canon 30D X 2, Canon 100-400L, Thrift Fifty, Canon 18-55 IS 3rd generation lens plus 430 EX II flash and Better Beamer. :thumbsup:
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