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  1. #1
    Member Yarrow's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    New Butterfly Pics

    I went to shoot again today. I was pretty disapointed about the while situation. For one I had my 2 yr old with me and for some reason she decided today she would be afraid of the Butterflies, so right there I started off wrong. Then there were 2 buses FULL of kids LOL, and to top it off it was so hot in there my lenses kept fogging and I couldnt keep a good focus.. ..Needless to say all my setings were on auto today.
    So this is the best of over 100 photos...
    (mildly edited)..I dont know that names of all of them



    This last one is Enormous! ,...Its called the Atlas Moth...I have average size hands for a female so if I were to spread out my fingers and overlap my 2 thumbs together..thats how big this Moth is..
    This isnt very good ..I had to use flash for it..I think my lens also had a bad day

    For sizeing purposes

    Thanks for looking
    ~And this is a good day~

    ~Yes please,..ask me if you can edit my photos. The need help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Georgia, usa

    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    The compositions are getting better. What lens(es) are you using and can you post the exif for the photos?

    It seems that your camera is selecting something rather than your intended subject in some photos, and camera shake effects some others.

    Perhaps try using the camera on aperture priority and change the ISO to keep the shutter speed up, hopefully that would reduce the shake and A mode wouldn't take a whole lot of concentration. That could help with the sharpness.

    Also, set your camera to center focus. The you can focus (by halfway pressing the shutter and holding) and recompose for good composition. However as many have taught me here, manual focus is typically better.

  3. #3
    Member Yarrow's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    I was switiching back and forth between my 14-45mm and my 40-150mm. The 150mm gave me the most trouble with fogging and focus.
    I did take a few one handed as I was holding my daughter, some may be posted here..

    I do have my camera set for center focus..Today I dont know what was going on with them. I have never had this much trouble before as far as getting a good focus..

    Could it be that it was so humid in there that the lenses were not working properly? It is a rather small room. smaller then a school class room. I've actually never felt it so hot in there before, and I have never had my lenses fog up in there.
    ~And this is a good day~

    ~Yes please,..ask me if you can edit my photos. The need help.

  4. #4
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
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    Georgia, usa

    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    It's possible. Assuming you are getting out of an air conditioned car, try walking around outside the building (leaving the camera in a bag) and let the camera warm up some. Typically, if I am going somewhere hot/humid, just before arrival I turn off the a/c and let the windows down. By the time I enter the building, everything's ready.

    I realize it's more humid and hotter (most likely) in the building, but the normal circumstances outside (in spring/summer) should help some.

  5. #5
    Member Yarrow's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    yeah it was 50 outside this morning and I went directly into a 80 degree small room
    ~And this is a good day~

    ~Yes please,..ask me if you can edit my photos. The need help.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    I agree with Payn, the compositions do look much better... the images in general look much better. I really like that moth!

  7. #7
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    That glasswing is so cool looking - I've never seen one before. It looks like something the MIT aeronautical engineering students would make.

    As for the fog, yeah, at near 100% humidity, it takes forever for the condensation to clear off cold glass. I generally don't like to wipe (my lenses) but I find I have to several times before the fog finally stays off the front element.

    Next time, if you can, keep your gear warm before you enter and stay in the butterfly area as long as you can. And keep the 2-year old at the sitters
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  8. #8
    K9er Bevb's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    I think Payn and loupey have given you enough to go on to help you out with focus probs etc, all id like to say is what fantastic butterflies and the Atlas Moth is awsome iv heard about them but to see one is terrific thanks for showing Yarrow.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    These are wonderful critters - nice shots considering what you had to put up with.

    I never knew moths got that big, and the glass wing - Yikes, I could do with a head-sail like its wing :lol:.

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  10. #10
    Senior Member Knight's Avatar
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    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    Fantastic Atlas moth Good series
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  11. #11
    Member Yarrow's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: New Butterfly Pics

    Thanks everyone..

    Loupey..I am currently searching for a sitter lol..

    I was awed by the size of that moth. It was just incredible to see. They had about 6 or 7 of them other then this one caged to keep them safe.
    I actually kept questioning that sign at in the pot below if it was real or not but a nice little girl told me otherwise LOL

    I followed that glass swing around most of the time I was there. I hadnt seen it when I was there a few months ago and it was the only one I saw there...Its my favorite of the bunch.

    thanks everyone.
    ~And this is a good day~

    ~Yes please,..ask me if you can edit my photos. The need help.

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