It was a cloudy wet Saturday, but the rain dissipated and I had a nice quiet time at the nature center. I went Sunday as well, but unfortunately that was a bit nicer and much more crowded.
It was a bit blustery though... this deer didn't seem to care much for the wind.
Good amount of squirrels out
I went and took some shots of the maple sap buckets and tapped trees
They re-use water and milk jugs to collect the sap
So I was framing a shot of the jug on a maple tree when I heard wing fluttering above me. Hadn't even realized I was right across from the old Cooper's Hawk nest. Not the best shots, they were literally right above my head, but guess what was above me?
The happy couple together
Here's their nest
The wetlands have finally thawed and the pond had some waterfowl on it. I saw some red wings, but they were all either up high or took off as soon as I got them framed.
Sleepy goose
Stopped at Starbucks on the way home and couldn't resist taking a few shots of the pigeons nesting on the starbucks sign