Thanks Don,
I'm shooting at 300mm, so the moon looks still quite small and to make it visible I have to crop at 100%
I wanted to use the additional pixels of the nex (16) vs the nikon (12) and get a larger image
this image is 100% view and looks quite clean in comparison to what I have been able to do with the D300
It is a fotodiox adapter, no autofocus, it comes with a ring to manually control the aperture of the G lenses, manual focus on the NEX is quite easy given the assistance of the focus peak
no filter on the lens
I used a shooter speed so highlights were not blown
cropped at 100% and saved as a TIFF
then processed using silver efex pro to convert to black and white and increase a slider called "Structure"
then processed with color efex pro with the tonal contrast effect, reducing the effect mostly in the shadows as it looked ugly, left mid tones and highlights at the default value
converted to jpg using capture nx2