We had an incredibly clear sky last night, very unusual considering the normal level of humidity, and the fact that at sea level there's a damn lot of air between us and the stars. This night, though, was clear enough that the naked eye could discern colors in the stars, even without going way out into the countryside.
Jupiter is the bright "star" just to the left of the moon, and Orion is seen over to the right.
Just the moon and Jupiter. I made two copies of the same frame, one with Jupiter visible but the moon blown out, and one with the moon good but no Jupiter. Simple copy/paste composite. Technically it's from the same camera image, so it's not cheating!
The moon alone, 1-to-1 crop at 300mm zoom
Orion, 1 second at f:5.6, ISO 400
This is the same camera file as the Orion image above, but with levels boosted just about all the way up.