Out on the back deck of my house I have two large saucers that hold a number of small pots of carnivorous plants, including a couple of cape sundews (Drosera capensis). Well a couple of weeks ago I went out and I don’t know if there had been a midge convention on my deck or something, but the cape sundews had both trapped several non-biting midges (chironomids), all of which seemed to be the same species.>>
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Naturally...I took pictures!>>
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More information and photos: http://wp.me/p2wM8r-wf>>
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Olympus OM-D E-M5; Zuiko 60mm micro four thirds macro; manual exposure (F11 @ 1/200 sec); Olympus RF-11 ring flash (1/4-1/2 power); ISO 200>>
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P8310353 copyright ernie cooper 2013 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr>>