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Thread: Lucky Landing

  1. #1
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central Ohio

    Lucky Landing

    I'll be the first to admit that luck plays a BIG role in N/W shooting. Here's my last experience.

    My daughter and I were walking through a park the other day when I spot what I initially thought was an extraordinarily large monarch. Getting closer, I see that it was in fact two smaller viceroys nearly touching at the head (first image).

    Trying to follow them as they spun around on top of the bud, a third butterfly literally lands on one of them briefly. Luck because all three just happened to be within the DOF at that moment.

    I never did get a successful shot of just the two of them.

    Oh, if you're wondering what's causing that white background - it's the concrete pavement in the background which happened to get in the way from this particular vantage point. Looks artificial - but works I think for this shot.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lucky Landing-08-27-07-lucky-landing-initial.jpg   Lucky Landing-08-27-07-lucky-landing-final.jpg  
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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: Lucky Landing

    looks like a party to me! nice capture. Nailing the DoF really makes it.
    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  3. #3
    K9er Bevb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Essex, England.

    Re: Lucky Landing

    Beautiful Loupey, #1 is terrific.
    "Live Life to the full, theres no rehersals"

  4. #4
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central Ohio

    Re: Lucky Landing

    Thanks, Erik and Bev. It's funny because I took a whole slew of images of the two of them (initially thought they were doing the mating dance, but they seemed to be feeding instead) and then only the 1 clear shot of all three. I'll take the one. But I do have to take a closer look at the other images.

    Thanks again.
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

    See my website HERE.

    What's a Loupe for anyway?

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