In a previous thread, I had posted a cardinal photo with a lot of seeds and hulls on the ground. It looked pretty messy, so I asked advice regarding cleanup. Loupey pretty much told me to get away from my computer and start shooting. The reshoot was a success.
I went back to my blind this morning and never fired a shot. Hardly saw a bird of any kind. A half hour after I got home, I got an email from the lady whose backyard I was borrowing. She told me that 5 minutes after I left, 5 cardinals showed up. She thinks they were watching me. She could be right. I went back at 3:30 pm and threw some snow over the mess, under the feeder, climbed back into my blind and waited. In about 5 minutes the first male shows up. A couple minutes later, the female showed up and then a couple more minutes and another male. I figured, either the birds are now used to the blind, or they saw me at the feeder and thought it was the lady filling it with seed, and when I went to the blind, they thought I'd gone in the house. Whatever, it was a worthwhile 45 minutes.