I found this Phidippus jumping spider wandering around on my living room ceiling. Before releasing it outside I thought I’d take a few photos, and considering that its abdomen looked a little small, I gave it a two-week old cricket to eat.

These photos were also a test of a new flash bracket and diffuser I’ve put together. I have to say that I am very pleased with the results!

There are a couple more photos of this critter on my blog.

macrocritters | What's a nice bug like you doing in a place like this??

Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5
Lens: Zuiko 60mm micro four thirds macro
Settings: manual exposure (F11 @ 1/200 sec)
Lighting: Olympus FL-36 flash (1/4 power)
ISO: 200

P7140424 jumping spider copyright ernie cooper 2014 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr

P7140429 jumping spider copyright ernie cooper 2014 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr