This time it's the Federal Recreation Lands (National Parks) "Share the Experience" contest. The submission period lasted for several months, and each contestant was allowed to submit up to three images. They then judged the many thousands of entries, and narrowed the scope down to the top 125 images for the final round. Well, ALL THREE of my entries made the cut to the top 125!

You can go out and vote for the top 125 at . If I understand the rules right, the public voting is used for determining the "honorable mention" images. I'm not sure how it factors into the judging on the top prizes. At any rate, please go out and vote for your favorites (even if they're not mine - there are some outstanding images out there!).

Prize packages are similar to what I just won in the Canon contest, but are Olympus gear this time (plus trips and gift certificates). Looks like the top prizes are actually a bit higher than the Canon one. Anyway, I hope to do well, but definitely feel flattered that ALL my images are in the running for the top prizes. That may actually hurt more than help, but is a nice acknowledgement of my work!

The White Morph is, of course, one of the top ones (I had to check the rules to make sure that was OK - It is.), but here are all three together (you've seen them all here before):

Wish me luck - And thanks for all the encouragement from here!