... who are in the dog house.
I saw the family earlier in the day and Mom was very attentive at that time and would not let me get any closer.
Later on my shift, I was walking in the same area only in the opposite direction when I saw the two Fawns in the distance. I expected to see Mom any second coming from around the corner.
She never showed. These bad kiddies were out galavanting around on their own. I thought at any second when they spotted me that they would run for the hills. Just the opposite. They started coming towards me!
They were soooooo adorable! Gazing at me curiously and then prancing at times even closer.
When they got within about 15 feet, I lowered my camera and they still were creeping closer. At 10 feet, as hard as it was because I would have loved to have let them even closer, I shooed them away.
They are safe on our property, but I still felt it was best for some reason.
Turns out Mom was napping in some brush down the way as I woke her when I continued walking. I heard the bushes rustling, looked over and she popped up. She took one look at me waaaay too close, huffed, and took off.
Aren't they just the cutest things?