Hey all,
I've been thinking about this post for awhile. I get a lot of PMs and e-mails from folks wanting pointers, lessons, etc. regarding avian photography. I finally decided that maybe the best way to help everyone would be to just detail out a series of images, so that everyone could see beyond the normal info in forum posts (like just the EXIF info, etc.). Knowing the camera settings is useless unless you understand why they were chosen. I have decided to take the five images below, and explain every conceivable detail of the shot on each one. I will cover all of the pre-shot setup, working the angles, and even how I "work" the birds for my images. I figure that would be the best way I could help everyone here who wants to be better at bird photography. I will also be posting a series later this week with flaws in the images. I will critique each one myself, and explain why they are flawed. This is not a critique forum, so I rarely offer critiques to other's images. I do, however, want to help eveyone get better if I can. I captured all of these images within a 2.5 hour window on Saturday morning. I do not have time tonight to add in the details on them, so keep checking this thread throughout the week. Each image will be explained in intricate detail:
Wilson's Plover
Image writeup added 6/17/08 at 7:30 pm Eastern:
Image number 1, the Wilson's Plover:
EXIF: Canon 1DsMII, Canon 600mm f/4L with 2x TC, 1/1250, f/8, ISO 200, -1/3 EV, off Gitzo 5540 tripod and Wimberly II head, 9:11 AM with light directly behind me. Single
focusing point (center) was placed directly on the eye. Slightly cropped for composition. Auto-Focus. Image Sstabilization turned off. Aperture Priority Mode.
The Wilson's Plover is a relatively small, but approachable shorebird. Their biggest photographical challenge is that they are very quick and rarely stay still for more than
a few seconds. They are fairly common here in SW Florida. This is their nesting season, and I'm sure this lovely lady had a nest nearby.
So the story behind this image is that I found her (I'm pretty sure this is a female) on my way back out after the morning shoot in Little Estero Lagoon. As you can see by
the time of day in the EXIF, it was past 9 AM. that means the light is beginning to get harsh here this time of year, and the temperature begins to climb rapidly. I had made
the decision to stay in the water I was out in the lagoon shooting other birds), and work my way along this raised bank that is next to a water channel that the tide rushes
through. It provides a nice setup spot because the bank is about 3 feet high, and that means I don't have to go down too low for the eye level shots I prefer. It's also in a
perfect up-light location to the bank. When I spotted her, she was not in a very good spot. I did, however, have plenty of time to set up, and get my camera settings right
by taking a few sample shots of her and checking my histogram. Even though she was up on the bank, I still needed to lower my POV a bit, and did so by unlocking the front leg
of my tripod and flipping it outward (thus, lowering my tripod about 18 inches WITHOUT having to lower the legs - a much faster technique than re-adjusting each tripod leg).
As I'm setting up a shot, I always look at the POV, and potential background. In this case, the inclusion of the plants was intentional, but I wanted to make sure there were
none behind her head. Problem was, she was walking much lower to the ground, thus, the background was in the way of my composition. All I had to do was make a slight
whistling sound, and she stopped and perked up to listen. You are seeing the result.
The elements that make this a nice image are the head angle (pay attention to all my images....I always go for a head angle slightly toward me), the catch-light in the eye,
the depth of field, the sharpness of the image (even at 1200mm), perfect up-light position, and the nice environmental composition. Some thiungs that could make it better
would include perhaps a bit of curves adjustment to give the bird more punch, and I think even just a bit more seperation from the head to the green in the BG would help.
these are minor nits, though, and I'm overall satisfied with this one.
So why did I choose those camera settings? Well, the light was great for using the 2x TC, so being that this is a small bird, that helped. Don't believe the hype you hear
about the teleconverters not being capable of sharp images. Under the right conditions, they're fine. When using the 2x, you only get the center AF point (on a 1D camera
body). Tripod is essential at this focal length, and I usually turn off Image Stabilization in these circumstances to assist AF in getting a sharper image. Contrary to
popular belief, Image Stabilization really isn't needed when on a great tripod like the Gitzo 5540/Wimberley Head combo, and shooting a fairly static subject. I chose f/8
(the maximum allowable when using the 2x on this lens) in order to enhance the subject through the use of Bokeh. ISO 200 is my basic default ISO on the 1DsMII, as there is
little (if any) noise. the -1/3 EV was determined by the practice shots after viewing the histogram.
I probably shot 30 frames in the sequence (including 3-5 practice images to determine camera setup). I liked 5 of them.
Roseate Spoonbill
American Oystercatcher
Marbled Godwit
Snowy Egret