As requested by Loupey a while back. Here's a direct comparison of my 2 cameras going head to head. This is by no means a scientific comparison, but I think gives everyone a good field comparison. I set both cameras in AV mode, f/8, ISO 400. The lens of choice was the Canon 100-400L, locked at 360mm. I used my bird feeder/blind for this comparison, and simply swapped the camera bodies out and shot a nearly identical series with each using the exact same lens. shutter speed was 1/200 (chosen by both cameras). Absolutely NO post processing was done other than crops. All crops were done off the "uncropped" JPG files below. I tried to choose the sharpest images from each series and each camera, but wanted to be sure I had similar poses as well. Enjoy!
1DSMII - Uncropped image:
XTi (400d) - Uncropped image:
You can clearly see the significant difference in "crop factor" from the above images. Now for the 33 percent crops:
1DsMII - 33 Percent Crop:
XTi (400d) - 33 percent crop: