We went hiking yesterday. Its about 4 miles down to the lake. We made it about 1.5, but we did take the board walk which takes you into the woods quite a ways before getting back onto the main path to the lake. So it took us a long time to get to the one mile marker. We did probably about 2 miles out and 1.5 back (because of the board walk) so I think my 5 yr old did pretty good considering.
We saw a lot of critters including deer, turkey, turtles, butterflies, dragonflies, 4 different snakes and I believe we heard a bear. I did not see it, but we heard a huge crashing noise in the woods running away from us. Only something large could have made that noise.
My 5 yr old was so tired on the way back that she kept stumbling, and she fell and skinned her hand at one point (this was when I got bit on my ankle, cause we were stopped.)
Pictures (have done no pp..):