I first saw these last week, but didn't have any usable shots. The ones I got today are better, but not by much. I just don't have the reach needed for the location. What made today's better is the late-afternoon sun, rather than noon-time high overhead sun I shot in last week.
To illustrate the location, here's a shot of the island with my 30mm ("normal" on my DX-sensor D5000.) I suppose I could wade out to get closer, but.... no, I don't think so! The nest I'm shooting is along the top of the shrubbery, about two-thirds of the way across moving left to right.
The long shots are pixel-for-pixel 1280x960 crops from the center of the frame. (Click the images to get the 1280 version.) Not as sharp as I could wish for, but well past a reasonable distance for my 70-300 lens.
One parent standing over the three chicks.
When you have a 10-inch beak, this has to be a real exercise!
The parent off for more fishing
Hey!!! What happened to the room service guy???!?!?!! (Compare the wing on the chick to the parent in the previous pic.)