I didn't know what to expect with that title. That is an awesome fish. I assume it's a saltwater fish, correct. They usually seem to have the brightest colors. Nice photo.
Mike www.specialtyphotoandprinting.com
Canon 30D X 2, Canon 100-400L, Thrift Fifty, Canon 18-55 IS 3rd generation lens plus 430 EX II flash and Better Beamer. :thumbsup:
Other than Knight, we're just a bunch of dirty old men I'm in good company
Discus right? Haven't been an aquarist in a while and I don't recall ever seeing this variety. So I'm assuming it's an "engineered" strain introduced within the last 20 years?
Minnesota Scroller.. no.. this is a freshwater fish. Symphysodon Discus. They originate from the Amazon Rivers in South America. Wild caught strains are not as brightly colored as domestic, but new strains have been discovered that are very brightly colored for wilds. Like the blue heckle.
Loupey, yup .. discus The Golden Melon is a Tony Tan strain out of Malaysia. The Asian Discus are really taking over the discus market right now. They are in high demand all over. For instance.. I dont know if you've heard of Stendker (most likely you have as the Stendkers are very old) are staying away from the ACA this year as the Asians are moving in. (I know Hans Discus personally.)
Have you ever heard of Heiko Bleher? I will be meeting him next month at the ACA along with Andrew Soh and many others. I cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!! I'm flying to California for four days and staying with a good friend of mine. No hubby, no kids.. just me and my best friend and the ACA lol
Oh.. I DO have a salt water tank. I started that up a month ago. I just bought a male/female pair of true percula today and a banded shrimp and some blue leg hermit crabs. I'll try to get some pics later of the clowns.
Thanks everyone Glad you like my Melons
cam: Sony a100 DSLR
Please do not edit my images.. thanks
Amber, I'm glad to see you have a great sense of humor. It's just a good thing I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read your last post. My keyboard would have been a mess.
Mike www.specialtyphotoandprinting.com
Canon 30D X 2, Canon 100-400L, Thrift Fifty, Canon 18-55 IS 3rd generation lens plus 430 EX II flash and Better Beamer. :thumbsup:
Mike.. lol.. glad you didn't mess up your keyboard ;)
Paul, Yes you could say I am a cichlid nerd lol.. but its not just cichlids, that just happens to be my main tank right now. I also have the saltwater reef tank and a dwarf puffer tank and I have a 56 gallon pond out front with comet goldfish and a bullfrog tadpole. I just love fish lol. (No .. I do not eat them! ick!)
cam: Sony a100 DSLR
Please do not edit my images.. thanks