Yesterday I dropped by a local nursery/greenhouse. Thought I'd share a few of the photos at N&W to bring some "color" for anyone who is also going through a dull and boring winter. Winter is almost over too, only 1 month to go...
Attachment 63575
PENTAX *ist D with PENTAX SMC PENTAX-F 100mm F2.8 MACRO lens. Macro-tripod used.
1/100 second @ F5
ISO 800
150mm (35mm equivalent)
Multi-segment metering mode
Attachment 63576
PENTAX *ist D with PENTAX SMC PENTAX-F 100mm F2.8 MACRO lens. Macro-tripod used.
1/160 second @ F2.8
ISO 200
150mm (35mm equivalent)
Multi-segment metering mode
Attachment 63577
PENTAX *ist D with PENTAX SMC PENTAX-F 100mm F2.8 MACRO lens. Macro-tripod used.
1/13 second @ F6.3
ISO 200
150mm (35mm equivalent)
Multi-segment metering mode
Attachment 63578
PENTAX *ist D with PENTAX SMC PENTAX-F 100mm F2.8 MACRO lens. Macro-tripod used.
1/13 second @ F6.3
ISO 200
150mm (35mm equivalent)
Multi-segment metering mode
Attachment 63579
PENTAX *ist D with TAKUMAR-A ZOOM F3.5-4.5 28-80mm lens (MF-only). Macro-tripod used.
1/40 second @ F4
ISO 200
120mm (35mm equivalent)
Multi-segment metering mode