It has been exactly 1 year since buying my 30D and I'm nearing the 50,000 shutter mark. I've been starting to feel that the camera was placing too many limitations on me so I was looking to upgrade.
Just picked up the 40D. While the 30D was a quantum leap from my 10D, this 40D may be just a small (yet significant) step. The reasons for my purchase was based on the following (in the order of importance to me):
- Higher/cleaner ISO
- Live View (for macro work)
- Highlight Tone Priority
- 14-bit analog to digital conversion
- 6.5 fps burst shooting rate
Preliminarily (really preliminary) the digital noise improvement seems almost negligibleIt has a completely different shutter release feel which will take some getting used to. Anyway, I'll be giving my assessment off and on for the next few weeks. Everything I'll post in this forum, unless otherwise stated, will be with the 40D.
Here are a few images. Nothing too deep - just a few minutes to jump out of the truck for some quick snaps.
(sorry about the lack of posts lately - a lot of everything going on except N/W photography)