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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Chicago, IL

    a few random birds on a macro outing.

    went out looking for bugs today, and didn't find ANY. I'm serious. Nothing is blooming yet, so they weren't concentrated enough to be worth my time. Instead I got a smattering of assorted winged reptiles. Hope you enjoy!

    All with the 1.7x teleconverter.

    a couple of "icebreaker" shots, I think this is a catbird. I have one of this perch that is a much better pose, but it is just soft enough where I feel like I would be cheating to post it at this size

    a seagull about 6 feet away

    a heron, first of the year.

    a sparrow, cropped to 3:2 but not more. The teleconverter gets really close.

    and a sleepy lion, which isn't a bird but I couldn't resist the shot. again with the teleconverter. The pond I frequent for birds and bugs is a stone's throw from the zoo, so it is often a stop along the way.

    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Chicago, IL

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    Here's a couple more.

    A shot I overlooked.

    here is the shot that I considered too soft. This is the resized/sharpened version. JPG compressed as well. It really sharpens up pretty well. I guess I could probably get away with this one.

    here's a 100% crop, not compressed and no PP. Plenty of detail, but dodgy sharpness. Can't tell if it is camera motion blur or missed focus, could be a bit of both.

    here is a sharp one at 100% for comparison.

    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Knight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    Good series Erik, Heron is my Fav Love the lazy pose of the Lion
    Nikon Samurai # 24

    ( The hiker's creed. )

    Take only pictures, Leave only footprints, Kill only time.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Norfolk, UK

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    Luv the Lion shot Erik.

    One I took on 8th May 07 at Colchester Zoo - Essex, UK

  5. #5
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    hillsborough NJ, USA

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    Green herons sure are funny looking at time huh

    Nice images as usual


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  6. #6
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    That 100% crop what I see is colour aberration that could be corrected in Lightroom or Photoshop.
    I get it that bad on my EF-S 10-22 but not on any "L" lenses.
    The LZ-5 also suffers, with the same purple haloes on highlights.

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Chicago, IL

    Re: a few random birds on a macro outing.

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    That 100% crop what I see is colour aberration that could be corrected in Lightroom or Photoshop.
    I get it that bad on my EF-S 10-22 but not on any "L" lenses.
    The LZ-5 also suffers, with the same purple haloes on highlights.
    yep, CA is a constant battle with digital. I usually don't consider shots that are heavily effected to be usable. On a shot like this I would correct it for printing if I thought it was a great shot otherwise, since the fringing is really not that bad. I didn't want to touch it since I was posting 100% comparisons. Most of the time, CA isn't visible at web sizes, so I don't even bother with it.
    Erik Williams

    Olympus E3, E510
    12-60 SWD, 50-200 SWD, 50 f/2 macro, EX25, FL36's and an FL50r.

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