Nice tank Almo... nice pictures too. I have never been able to get decent images of fish through the glass. Did you use a flash of just the tank lights? And if you did use a flash how did you eliminate the glare off the glass?
Now about the tank... sandy bottom huh? How do you find that for tank cleaning? Does the vacuum pick it up when you're cleaning the bottom or do you stir it up and let the filter get it?
Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it
Nice tank Almo... nice pictures too. I have never been able to get decent images of fish through the glass. Did you use a flash of just the tank lights? And if you did use a flash how did you eliminate the glare off the glass?
Yes, I almost always use a flash when shoot fish in tanks. Avoiding glare is not as big a deal as it would seem. It only really becomes an issue when you shoot wide, or straight on.
Now about the tank... sandy bottom huh? How do you find that for tank cleaning? Does the vacuum pick it up when you're cleaning the bottom or do you stir it up and let the filter get it?
It's a breeze to clean. Much better than nasty old gravel any day. Sure a little gets sucked up, but it's nothing to worry about, and I stir it up 3-5 times a year in order to release any gasses built up, and to just refresh the stuff. I will never go back to gravel.
John Cowan
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
~Ernest Hemingway~