Found 3 barn swallows yesterday perching on a low railing of walkway over a marsh. I've rarely seen them perching away from their nest so I did my best to get as close as possible. I soon realized that these were juveniles waiting for their parents.
I took up position and watched with delight for about an hour and a half. Here's what I got.
Sorry if the post processing looks a little odd. I was forced to switch laptops last week (old one died) and the Vista OS and the uncalibrated screen is driving me crazy.
I felt honored to be able to witness this when I did (only one person came by during the entire shooting - and she was a birder so she was very quiet). I got too close a few times and the babies didn't know any better to fly away. But the parent would come and make one short squeal and everything would take off. A few moments later, they would return. Turns out their "private space" was only about 5'.
thanks for looking.