Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)
Length 6.25 inches, Wing Span 9.25 inches, Weight 0.67 oz, (19g)
Nest in open coniferous or mixed woods with patches of open ground. Winters in small flocks in patchy wooded areas. Voice: Song a short trill. Call a very high hard stip. Flight call a sharp buzzy tzeet.
Range: Breeds from Alaska east to Newfoundland, and south to mountains in Mexico and Georgia. Winters south to Gulf Coast and northern Mexico.
These are the three best out of the thirty or so images that I took of them this weekend, it was hard to get a good shot of one. The middle image had a lot of blue pixel noise which I tried reducing with the noise filter and Neat Image. I should have used a slower shutter speed instead of the high ISO… hind sight…
And…the last image was hand held, I’m glad I had the IS on lol.