Hi all,
I had a photo shoot assignment today out in the middle of Florida. I am shooting the agricultural regions out there on assigniment. Anyway, one of my favorite birding spots is out there, so I decided to get there for sunrise and see if I could get a brief bit of birding in before the sun was suitable for agricultural shots. I left my house at 3:15 AM in order to arrive by sunrise (about 6:40 AM). Anyway, I'm driving down the road just after sunrise, but still too dark to really shoot effectively, and I see this Crested Caracara on the fence post by the road I was on. I decided to give it a run, as I have been pushing the envelope pretty far lately. There was no way I could get to my flash, so I just decided to see how well I could do hand-held out my car window...using the histogram as my guide. I swung the 600mm f/4 out the window of my Tactical Photography Vehicle (Toyota FJ Cruiser) on a beanbag and went for it. I started shooting with the aperture wide open, and at ISO 200, but got concerned that the speeds were just too slow (1/60th with a 600mm!), so I crept the ISO up to 400 and pushed the exposures a bit to minimize noise. The images below were actually shot at 1/60 to 1/80 HAND HELD (using a bean bag) with a 600mm lens!!!! What really surprised me was the number of well focused images at speeds that never broke the 1/100th mark! Image Stabilization rocks! ....But I don't think I'd try this on a regular basis I think they did pretty well considering the light that was available.