So, it was all rainy and dreary today and I'm bummed because, well, its Saturday and I want to be out shooting... especially since I have to send the 50-500mm back Monday (*SOB*).
Around oneish, the rain finally clears so I headed to the nature center.
I walked the loop once and checked out the Cooper's Hawk nest. After seeing the pair a few weeks ago I hadn't seen them since. So as I'm looking up one of them comes flying in with a stick. Got about a dozen shots of its tail, LOL, before getting a glimpse of the head.
So, then later I come around a bend and see this fellow.
As I'm taking the above shots, this one's mate comes fluttering over and lands in the edge of the pond.
By the time I left it was all blue skys and sunny. LOL, sort of like my mood.