I've been in a rut for the last few months - I haven't really left the house to shoot because I can't stand the cold anymore. And, since I don't have a compelling telephoto solution right now I haven't been shooting birds...so today I HAD to get out of the house. Someplace warm. Tropical feeling, even. With some good smelling foliage and nice humid air. Maybe with something unique like architecture or fauna. Maybe close-by so I can still get something done today. Free is good too...
Garfield park conservatory? perfect. And since plant macros haven't been interesting me lately it is a chance to exercise the noggin a bit. I came away with a few shots I'll keep. Nothing earth shattering but it was nice to convince myself I didn't have two months left before the salamanders emerge.
front entrance
Not oversaturated. The light was very nice at the moment. The only sun from behind the clouds moment all day, I think.
Couple of close-ups.
Fern room.
All with the 14-54. It's a great lens for $350. Best deal ever, perhaps.
Now back to your regularly scheduled gloom.