With winter finally receding, I was able to get the camera out AND get outside, all on the same day. I pretty much hibernate from november until march.
Tuesday march 16 I went here:
It's a chicagoland pool where I've heard there are crayfish snakes, which would be a lifer for me. It's also an area where the rest of the Chicago usual suspects can be found: Blue spotted salamanders, spotted salamanders, garter snakes, brown snakes, peepers, chorus frogs, etc. I've only been to this pool twice, but I'll be back.
I didn't find any crayfish snakes, but I did find the normal stuff.
blue spotted salamander in defensive posture.
First garter of the year, a cold thamnophis sirtalis semifasciata
First brown snake of the year.
And something cool I haven't seen before. This is possibly the coolest thing I'll see this year. Four male garter snakes vying for the affections of one female. There is evidence that snake litters can contain multiple sires, so it's possible that this girl will mate with all of the males and produce offspring from each. It's also likely that she'll mate with a dozen others before the litter is set (garter snakes are live bearers).