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  1. #1
    Senior Member Canon_Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Fort Myers, FL, USA

    Birds from my Lake Kissimme trip today.

    Did a run through one of my favorite birding areas today....The Southeast side of Lake Kissimme. Tons of Bald Eagle activity, and even some Snail Kites. Here are a few images. All were handheld with the Canon 1DsMII, and the 600mm except the Vulture (used a tripod there):

    Male Bobwhite:

    Long-Billed Curlew:

    Loggerhead Shrike:


    And last but not least, a Contortionist Meadowlark

    Tomorrow we are heading out at 3 AM deep into the Everglades. Our goal is to capture images of an American Crocodile. Don't know if we'll see any or not, but I'm betting the birding will be fun!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Re: Birds from my Lake Kissimme trip today.

    I love the shrike shot (on my life list still to see one) and the Meadowlark had me laughing as soon as I translated the word contortionist (yeah I know what it means.. my brain just did a back flip trying to recognize the word lol)

    As for your Alligator hunt:

    To quote the tour guide when we were at NASA last year....

    "Crocodiles live in every lake, river, stream, and puddle in Florida so watch yourselves during your stay"

    Shouldn't be too hard to find a few now should it Bob? lol

    Have fun and stay safe
    Shooting with an Olympus Evolt E-510 and loving it

    Equipment list:
    Olympus Evolt E-3, E-620, E-500
    Olympus Zuiko 40 - 150 F4.0 - 5.6
    Olympus Zuiko 14 - 45 F 2.8 - 3.6
    Sigma 50 - 500 F 4.0 - 6.3
    Sigma 70 - 200 F2.8
    Olympus FL-38 Flash x2
    Vivitar 285 HV
    Better Beamer Flash Extender

    A Photographer that is fluent in Sarcasm.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Canon_Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Fort Myers, FL, USA

    Re: Birds from my Lake Kissimme trip today.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaedon
    I love the shrike shot (on my life list still to see one) and the Meadowlark had me laughing as soon as I translated the word contortionist (yeah I know what it means.. my brain just did a back flip trying to recognize the word lol)

    As for your Alligator hunt:

    To quote the tour guide when we were at NASA last year....

    "Crocodiles live in every lake, river, stream, and puddle in Florida so watch yourselves during your stay"

    Shouldn't be too hard to find a few now should it Bob? lol

    Have fun and stay safe
    Actually, it's the Alligators that are easy to find. The American Crocodile is very rare and endangered, and only exist in a few places. The Everglades is one of them. I've had several Gator encounters over the past couple years. The closest call was when one came flying out of a small pond at me when I was setting up a shot on a Little Blue Heron. I have the pictues to prove it! He was a big one (12-14 feet). I didn't think I could still move that fast

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Yellowstone NP, USA

    Re: Birds from my Lake Kissimme trip today.

    Alligators are awesome... i wish i still had the pictures of catching one on a class trip... it was only 4.5 feet but boy was it strong.

    i still need to get back to the everglades now that im in to photography.

    american crocodiles are pretty common in some areas (that power plant cooling pond) and places in central and south america id still like to see one though.

    btw i love that curlew shot
    check out my photography website

    Please feel free to edit or change any of my pictures to show me how to improve them.

    Nikon D200
    Nikon D7000 w/grip
    Nikkor AF-S 18-135
    Nikkor AF-S 60mm macro 2.8
    Nikon 70-200 2.8 vr
    Nikon tc-17eII
    Kenoko extension tube set

  5. #5
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hillsborough NJ, USA

    Re: Birds from my Lake Kissimme trip today.

    I love that bobwhite and BTW... Black vulture


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

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