Yes that's a RTHA . Notice the tell tail belly band , but most importantly see the dark area near were the wing meets the body.... EVERY redtailed hawk has that dark patch. Redtailed hawks are very variable throughout their range!
White Ibis is a given
You are correct this isn't a snowy, but it's a cattle egret
Nice image of a south african shelduck test huh ;)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Yes that's a RTHA . Notice the tell tail belly band , but most importantly see the dark area near were the wing meets the body.... EVERY redtailed hawk has that dark patch. Redtailed hawks are very variable throughout their range!
White Ibis is a given
You are correct this isn't a snowy, but it's a cattle egret
Nice image of a south african shelduck test huh ;)
That's my first ever Cattle Egret shot. Hoo-boy!
Thanks for the hawk ID. I see Ospreys and Turkey Vultures almost every day where I live, but the next most common raptor would seem to be the RTH.
I was close though ;) look at the south african shelduck and white faced whistling duck. The white on them looks very close , as does the basic body plumage .
I admit that I had to search blindly to try to ID that duck. I knew it wasn't from the americas, so I searched Australian and African ducks
You got me!!!
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Juvenile Bald or Golden Eagle???
First one is best I could do at 14x digital zoom. The second one is 3 in one. 2 balds and I think its a juvenile bald...but geez...he sure was big for a juvie...hehe...sorry for the noise.
Had these in the thread before, but this is the best Canada Goose pic I've gotten yet (don't see them much.)
Great capture LL...the wife and I got the Eagles this past weekend. This weekend I think we're gonna go get some Canadian Geese that are over in Dubuque. I hope I can get something half as good as your shot!!
That is indeed a nice image of a canada goose, but I just don't get excited about them . We have companies here that chase them away all year! I feel that 250,000 canada geese in NJ during winter is a safe bet and 100,000 during summer is too ;) A vast majority are non migrating birds!
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
First year bald eagle. The first winter bald eagles are HUGE in order to make it through their first winter. They actually get a little smaller after the first winter ;)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
That is indeed a nice image of a canada goose, but I just don't get excited about them . We have companies here that chase them away all year! I feel that 250,000 canada geese in NJ during winter is a safe bet and 100,000 during summer is too ;) A vast majority are non migrating birds!
I see them flying by now and then and a local golf course has a few, but the ones I saw today are never on that lake. Now, I think there might be 250,000 yellow-rumped warblers around here, though.
How about this one? Is it an American Crow, or something else? The call was a different than I've heard from a crow before...
That is indeed a nice image of a canada goose, but I just don't get excited about them
hehe Paul...I guess excitement is in the eye of the beholder...hehehe...I for one get excited by them, since I grew up in Arizona and spent most of my life in the south, I rarely ever got to see these geese. However, I remember them from my few short years living in Oregon. Now, 40 years later, I see them every year and even have a few non-migrating flocks nearby that I see all the time, but they still fascinate me!!! Also, thanx for the ID...I had guessed they were juveniles, but they were so large...there was about 5 or more in this area and about 20 adults. Oh for the want of a good zoom!!!! hehe...I am saving...wait til next year and I'll get you some great clear eagle shots...hehe...
Took a drive to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel today. While I arrived at low tide there were not a lot of birds but it was a fun trip non-the-less. Wish I had a longer lens and tripod but I had to settle for my P&S.
[QUOTE=jfelbab]Took a drive to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel today. While I arrived at low tide there were not a lot of birds but it was a fun trip non-the-less. Wish I had a longer lens and tripod but I had to settle for my P&S.QUOTE]
Those are really nice -- especially with a point and shoot.
Took a drive to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel today. While I arrived at low tide there were not a lot of birds but it was a fun trip non-the-less. Wish I had a longer lens and tripod but I had to settle for my P&S.
While I haven't been there in years, I recognise a few areas ;)
Let's see....
snowy egret
reddish egret
yellow crowned nightheron
great egret
after 2 minutes of scanning that flock over and over.... I see nothing but willets!
Great shots!
Have you tried corkscrew swamp, it's hot with birds from now until it's too hot to exit your house ;) Migration of neotropicals will start in 5-6 weeks
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Give me a discription of it's size, flight pattern and even try to explain it's flight caal/ chip note if you heard one. That is the oddest damb bird I have seen!
It looks like a robin a little, a little like a parrot in one shot and even a pidgeon, but that tail is FLAT and not too many bird in the US look even close to that with a flat tail. Orioles and tanagers, but I dount it's those either.
Stumped, so help me ;)
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
Give me a discription of it's size, flight pattern and even try to explain it's flight caal/ chip note if you heard one. That is the oddest damb bird I have seen!
It looks like a robin a little, a little like a parrot in one shot and even a pidgeon, but that tail is FLAT and not too many bird in the US look even close to that with a flat tail. Orioles and tanagers, but I dount it's those either.
Stumped, so help me ;)
This was shot yesterday in FL and the bird flew over a several acre pine wood and lake. It was in the later afternoon, which may be giving it a redder tint than usual. I didn't hear a call. It seemed to be bigger than the yellow-rumped warblers I was seeing and smaller than a gull. It looked to be robin or pidgeon sized to me, but not as roundly shaped as either.
The flight was unusual. Not a warbler flight or what you see from a pidgeon. It was kind of acrobatic quickly circling and diving before it went on. There might have been two of them, but I can't be sure.
Do you think it could be somthing like a barn swallow? I shot some sort f swallow a few minutes earlier. It's a bad picture, too, and definitely not the same bird, but it may give you an ID. Oh yeah, I could use an ID on that, too.
You either have a pet trade bird that got free(got me which parrot type) or a wierd looking bird that I have never seen in the US(I have seen well over 400 too).
I am truely stumped!!!!!!
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin
You either have a pet trade bird that got free(got me which parrot type) or a wierd looking bird that I have never seen in the US(I have seen well over 400 too).
I am truely stumped!!!!!!
Geez. It would only be fun to stump you if I knew the answer.
Here's a bird I shot today, the first one I need an ID for in a while. By the way Paul I was by the Eagles nest today and I think it has eggs. Saw two birds but only one was away from the nest, the only time I saw the second bird was when the bird that was away from the nest went to the nest. Then I don't know if they changed places but one left the nest a flew out of site.