This spring we moved our bird bath to a much better location. I have been cleaning it out and putting fresh water in it almost daily, but I had never seen a bird using it. I could tell they were using it because I would find droppings on it. I have wanted to set up my camera, and take a series of shots throughout the day to see who my visitors were. Today I finally had the chance. I hooked my camera to my PC and set it to take a photo every 5 seconds. Due to the time it took to save the image to the PC, it turned out to be 10 seconds between shots instead of five. (Note to self: Use smaller image size next time.) I set the camera to f/8 and used aperture priority mode and just let it go for about 4 1/2 hours. I used my 100mm f/2.8 macro lens. It took 1565 photos in that time. Here are a few of the visitors that I captured. I also had some blue jays. I will use a wider lens next time so I don't cut off the larger birds. Only PP done is a little sharpening.