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  1. #1
    Snap Happy CaraRose's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Chicago, IL, USA

    Bay Breasted Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush

    And a bit of a story

    I went to the nature center yesterday afternoon. I started down a trail and there was an older gentleman ahead with a monopod and a camera, clearly on a bird, so I hung back. When it was clear he'd lost it so I wasn't going to flush anything, I kept going and said excuse me to slip behind him. He was still looking out so I startled him slightly, I moved over, noticed my camera, and started talking to me.

    There was a black-billed cuckoo, which was what he was looking for, we spotted it again but I only got a blurry shot of it. He told me he had seen an adult Summer Tanager by the beehives earlier, and he went to get his camera and it was gone when he got back. You could tell he was an avid birder, knew a lot more than me. Really nice, very funny guy. We ended up walking and talking to each other for awhile. He gave me tips on IDing Thrushes, flycatchers, and we spotted the bay breasted warblers together. When he left he shook my hand and introduced himself as Roger, and I introduced myself. He then told me if I ever needed any birding help I could find his e-mail on the Chicago Audubon Society web site.

    So curious later I looked on the Chicago Audubon Society site... and well, I had spent about an hour and a half birding with the President of the Chicago Audubon Society.

    Anyway, some of the shots--














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  2. #2
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Mundelein, IL USA

    Re: Bay Breasted Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush

    Very nice shots a great story. You certainly are picking up a variety of warblers. - TF
    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
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  3. #3
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Central Ohio

    Re: Bay Breasted Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush

    I've not met a birder who wasn't one or more of the following: nice, helpful, friendly, knowledgeable.

    I've looked through many spotting scopes not because I asked (which I never do) but because I was "insisted" to look through their eyes. I find it refreshing to watch older birders get giddy with excitement. I once had an elderly gentlemen in his late 70's/early 80's physically grab me and pull me to his vantage point so as to get a better view of an uncommon warbler that he had spotted.
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  4. #4
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    hillsborough NJ, USA

    Re: Bay Breasted Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush

    I know a few birders that are pompous, but most of us love sharing the knowledge and love of nature.

    Those are some great bay breasted images and it's refreshing to see a grey cheek on breeding territory.


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

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