Ok: 1st: sorry for no pic, I'm at the boat and forgot my cable to xfer pics. I will pick one up tonight.
2nd: haven't posted in quite some time...did I mention the boat? New to me...another hobby that is eating up my time and $ at a ridiculous rate.
My daughters told me there was an injured eagle on the other side of the marina, so, thinking it was a seagull that they had mis-identified, I went to have a look. Definitely NOT a seagull. GIANT hooked beak, webbed feet, grey back, white head, black feathers at the tips of the wings.
This poor guy had a pile of fishing line wrapped around both feet. It was cutting pretty deep into the legs, but I managed to get it all free.
Called a raptor rescue organization and they came and got him this am.
Any guesses on ID before I get the pics up tonight? Loupey? You're the king at this.....what's your best guess?
Bird was about 25% bigger than your average seagull. Didn't get a wingspan measurement, as I didn't know if he was injured there or not, and didn't want to stress him any more than he already was.