I'm starting to get a great variety in my yard. I've got at least two black caps now visiting my feeder, which just floored me. I've NEVER seen black caps in my neighborhood, and I've lived there now for 20 years. Aside from the black caps, starlings, mourning doves, goldfinches, house finches, downy woodpeckers, and yesterday a panting (it was 90+ degrees) common grackle that refused to let me take a shot of him. And of course the horde of house sparrows that live in our hedge.
Anyway, some shots...
1. Male mourning dove coming on to the female. He tried to jump on her a split second after this. She was not pleased.
4 One of the Chickadees
8 Juvie Starling
9 Cowbird fledgling. I think this guy was reared by a pair of cardinals that nest nearby
10 "What?? I'm a cowbird, not a deerbird"
11 Female House Finch
12 Boyfriend and girlfriend
13 One of the feeder raiders