So i got my D200 and LOVE it. i ordered it with the 18-135 lense. And the day after i recieved it i had to go to Eastern Kentucky for 11 days to do some field work for my thesis. I ended up snapping about 700 pics in those days, including in flood creating rain (which soaked me clean through). I had a minimal learning curve (not that i'm an expert with it by any means) but i feel i have a good grip on the controls now.
so here are a few of the better shots from my trip. And remember this wasn't a photography trip, these are just shots i took while i was "working". none of these have any post processing, so they are straight out of the camera ( large jpeg)
So heres the only snake i saw the whole time, and he just happened to get caught in my trap. its a junvenial eastern milk snake.
heres an un-ided salamander i found in a puddle along the road
since its breeding season for 4 toed salamanders, and they are rare to see other wise, i took a trip to look for them. New species for me.
and a waterfall i had been meaning to stop and shoot (its right beside the road) but didn't get a chance until my jeep broke down and i had to walk back to camp. so no tripod.
and heres 2 specimens i found in one pitfall trap. Arn't they so cute?
i'll post up a few more later, including the test shots with my new (yeah i already got a new lense) 60 mm macro. my advisor ended up buying it for me since the 18-135 shots couldn't be used to id the salamanders.