CJ's Desert Dwellers: Antillean Blue Butterfly Hemiargus ceraunus sipping nectar from a Mexican Hat Ratibida columnifera
There are three separate races of this species in the United Staes. This is the Southwestern subspecies, denoted by it's singular 'eyespot' on the underwing. (I think I have an archived jpeg of this species with spread wings. I'll attempt to lacte it if I can't get a new shot…)
This is a member of the gossamer winged family. The coloring is from 2 types of scales: browns, grays and oranges are pigmented colors (think dyes, pigments) and blues, greens, purples and coppers are 'structural color (think of the rainbow created with oil on water or a hummingbirds gorget) created by light refraction in the scales. That is why the blue has a 'shine'
Same photo, one closer than the other.
Actual size .75 inch
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
Canon Macro Lens EF 180mm 1:3.5
Cnaon Extender EF 1.4x II
Opteka Grip