Wife and I spent this past weekend at Magee Marsh - my second vist, wife's first.
What a spectacle! We were impressed all around - the numbers and variety of birds, the numbers of ever-so-friendly people, the weather - good times for everyone.
We heard that this may be the peak time with anywhere from 1 week to 2 weeks left. I will definitely go back once during this week and the family over the weekend (big park party weekend btw). Hope to see anyone from these boards who might be in the area or traveling through.
It's a photographer's playground and nature-lovers paradise. Thanks again, Paulnj, for letting me know about this place.
First the warblers:
#1 - Yellow-Rumped
#2 & #3 - Common Yellowthroat
#4 - Prothonotary
#5 - Black-Throated Green