Figure Skating Coach,COFFEE,Home Decorating,Christmas Decor,Sun,Sand and the Beach
Olympus SP-500UZ
Android phone a pinch! :D
I am a stay at home Mother with 3 growing kids and a camera at arm’s reach. I spend less time learning how take pictures than taking them. Typical Mom syndrome, How I stack up? Average I am sure ...Thus I ended up here to learn, look and listen. My passion is "Sports Photography” and I don't have the equipment to match.
My oldest daughter started playing Softball 7 years ago. I am pretty sure a have shots of every game her and her team mates have played in. My youngest daughter is following in my footsteps and is learning to Figure Skate. Only having a few pictures of me on skates, I am looking forward to making sure her memories are captured. My oldest has graduated High School and will be in College soon. Capturing pictures of him has always been a chore.
I have recently relocated from the Chicago Suburbs to Iowa and am adjusting to a different life style. I have found new time on my hands. What a perfect time to learn how to take better pictures.
Thank you fo