Die ersten frei handelbaren Hasch Sorten waren noch recht einfach gestrickt, es drehte sich um klein gemahlene Pflanzenteile, jene mit synthetischen Cannabinoiden verschnitten wurden und anschließend wieder verfestigt wurden.
Outdoor/Nature, Sports/Action, People, Fine Art, Snapshot
Auckland, New Zealand
yacht design, sailing, diving, painting, book illustration, writing, camera collecting
Canon EOS1, Canon 350D, Leica M3
arty farty wanker photographer published The Unseen City - Baigent Collins Fields - various photographic and art magazines, prints in public galleries and private collections
Retired / Part time pro photographer, if I feel like it!!
Flagstaff Arizona USA
Reading hiking, casual photography
Mamiya TLR
Nikon 35 mm
I've chased light since about the age of seven. I took about a forty year break from really active photography to raise a family while working at a varity of vocations, but photography always drew me back so now in retirement I can work as a pro when