Been using cameras since 1947. First 35 mm was Kodak Retinette IIB, first SLR Prakticamat (1967), then varous Prakticas; Pentax ME (1978), MX (2), Super A, LX, MZ5N, *istD to present camera. Most of my photography is done on a local nature reserve - butterflies, dragonflies, other insects, etc. Formerly a technical writer and produce an annual magazine about the wildlife of the reserve.
For many owners, in order to provide the best care possible for their horses to make sure that they remain in top condition during the races is to keep them in horse farms. Before signing a deal with the horse farm, make sure that you take a careful look at the facilities to ensure that it provides everything that your horse would need to be groomed as a champion. Take some time to research about the background of the horse farm and how they treat the different horses residing there. Ask fellow horse owners about the horse farm to get their opinion about the place.