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Marketing in its most simplest form is presenting yourself, projecting yourself and doing it well enough in order to catch people’s attention.
That’s what I do best, my name is Nick East and for the past five years I’ve been working my way through projecting businesses run by a number of clientele whom I represent, encapsulating the interest of potential customers and creating robust revenue streams for them. Being an expert in the field, I fine tune their offering, hone in on their expertise and harness their potential so they are able to achieve more and do more in due course.
From designing award winning marketing campaigns to putting the simple message out there, the way to achieving is via understanding what you are selling, to perfect the offering in order to best match your consumer. Working with a select group of companies, I build a strategy for them and formulate an action plan. My goal is not to provide a one off service but to slowly and gradually develop a partnershi