Just thought I'd answer some of tha basics here. Feel free to add other questions and answers here to build up a collection of typical Q&As.
What do I need to make a website?
First, you need the web content files. Web sites are just files loaded to your computer from another computer, they are stored in the HTML format. You only need one file to have a page, index.html. THis is the default first page that gets loaded into browsers, and is necessary to have anything come up when the user enters your domain name.
To make these files all you need is a test editor like Notepad, since HTML files are just text files with an HTML file extension. Learning HTML is out of the scope of this document, I suggest you pick up a good HTML book if you are not familiar with it. It is NOT programing, so don't be put off if you think you can't do it.
THEN, you need a host. This is the computer that will be hooked up to the web 24 hours a day. You can either rent space from a company, use space rpovided by your internet provider if they offer it, or you can build a computer yourself and have a company store it and provide the connection to the net for you.
Lastly, you need a domain name. This is the address that's typed into the browser that takes you to the web site. Names are rented, not bought. You pa a fee for a certain amount of years and the name is your for that time frame. You can renew, but if ti expires it's fair game, and it's very expensive to get it back. The easiest way to go is to get the name and hosting from one company at the same time. That way the hosting and domain name are immediately matched. If you get them from seperate companies, you will need to get DNS info from the host, and set your domain name up with that info. DNS changes take several days to propagate through the internet, so take that into account when making changes or designing a site.
What tools can I use to make my web site?
For HTML creation, a simple text editor will do. There are programs out there that provide you with a visual interface for designing the pages. These are powerful programs, but they do not eliminate the need for HTML knowledge, you still need to know the basics. The following programs are typically recommended, although other options exist that are also very good.
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Adobe GoLive
Microsoft FrontPage
If you want to include images, you will need a graphics program to resize and compress the images for web use. Today's digital cameras create files much too large for screen display that take forever to download. To be usable on web sites the images first need to be resized and compressed as JPG files. The same thing is true of "traditional" pictures if scanned. Any of the following programs can do those things:
Adobe Photoshop Elements
Adobe Photoshop
Paint Shop Pro
GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)
What do I need to do to prep my images for the web?
The images have to be resized. An image file is amde up of pixels, and typically a high-resolution digital camera can creat a file that's several thousand pixels across by several thousand pixels tall. Typical screen display pixel sizes run from 800x600 to 1280x960. The unmodified files would be too large to display on the screen, and the file size would make downloads prohibitive, and would eat up your monthly bandwidth. To make the files usable, the pixel size needs to be resized, AND the final file has to be saved as a JPG or PNG to compress the results to take up even less space.
Use your programs Image Size or similar feature to resize the file to smaller dimensions, 600 pixels wide for example. Then, use the program's Save As or Export feature to save the file as a JPG. Remember that JPG uses lossy compression, meaning that it throws out data to make the files smaller. The lower the quality, the more data is thrown away, and the image degrades. Decide on what quality/size combination you need. Thumbnails don't need to be high quality for example, while the main image might be, in exchange for larger file sizes. And don't forget that people still use dial-up, make the files as small as possible while still retining visually acceptable results. DO NOT resave a JPG as a JPG, every time you do this more data is thrown out degrading the image further. Always work from the original for highest quality and only save as JPG for web use.
IGNORE anything regarding DPI, it is only used for printing and has no bearing on anything being displayed on the screen. Paying attention to this can just cause more confusion, just pretedn it's not there when doing any sort of web work.
How do I get my files onto the server?
Some hosts provide you with automated front-ends that let you select the files you want uploaded and do it for you. If your host does not provide you with this feature, you will need an FTP program. FTP stand for File Transfer Protocol. It is a very efficient system of transferring files between computers over the internet. To be able to use it you will need a program called an FTP Client, I recommend FileZilla since it's free and so far very stable. You will need to find out how to log into your site via FTP from your host. Typically you enter an address, login and password and you are then allowed to upload and download files from your host.
Once the files are up, and the domain name has propagated through the web, you should be able to enter your domain name in the address field of a browser and have your web page show up.