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  1. #1
    CB Photography CB Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    South Carolina, USA

    Question Please take a look and let me know...


    I have just finished my first attempt at a web page. I tried to make it simple and not too hard to navigate...I would appreciate constructive feedback.



  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    After you click on one of the thumbnails it goes to the bigger picture on it's own page which in effect leaves your website control links. Get the photo wo open in another window or if you open in the current window, keep the website design look and have links back to gallery you were in before you clicked to the larger photo.

    Make the photos able to be displayed on one page, but not allowed to be enlarged by hovering over the image and showing the enlarge button. Why, because the size you have makes them capable of getting enough detail for someone to print them at around 6 x4.

    Keep it Simple in most things and people will enjoy looking at the site.

    When looking at your Profile page, on a large monitor the paragraphs are 4 lines long, try and keep the width of the paragraphs around 70 characters wide you can use pre for formatting to then have the paragraph display how you want without letting the browser display things too wide. You indented the first two paragraphs but not the third one, I wouldn't indent so far, a tab of 5 is good typing sense and usual with paragraph setups generally, even in print.

    Your order page again takes you away from your site to visionlight website, so how do you get back, have it open up in another window.

    Same thing on your project page, when you click on one of the thumbnails there are no navigation links again.

    Not a bad site, layed out simply which is good, gets to the pages fast which is important, images need to be smaller, not the thumbnails the main photos.

    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    N.Y. U.S.A.

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    I thought it was easy to navigate, and i did not mind simply hitting the back button on the browser to return from the photos to the thumbs. I would like to see a more umiform approach to your bigger pictures, as some are small, some are large.
    Not bad at all, although Peter makes some fine points. The strenght here is your photos. Very good and worth whatever little extra effort might be involved to get there.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    Except Gary it isn't about the images, it is web design mostly in this forum.

  5. #5
    CB Photography CB Photo's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    South Carolina, USA

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_AUS
    After you click on one of the thumbnails it goes to the bigger picture on it's own page which in effect leaves your website control links. Get the photo wo open in another window or if you open in the current window, keep the website design look and have links back to gallery you were in before you clicked to the larger photo.

    Make the photos able to be displayed on one page, but not allowed to be enlarged by hovering over the image and showing the enlarge button. Why, because the size you have makes them capable of getting enough detail for someone to print them at around 6 x4.

    Keep it Simple in most things and people will enjoy looking at the site.

    When looking at your Profile page, on a large monitor the paragraphs are 4 lines long, try and keep the width of the paragraphs around 70 characters wide you can use pre for formatting to then have the paragraph display how you want without letting the browser display things too wide. You indented the first two paragraphs but not the third one, I wouldn't indent so far, a tab of 5 is good typing sense and usual with paragraph setups generally, even in print.

    Your order page again takes you away from your site to visionlight website, so how do you get back, have it open up in another window.

    Same thing on your project page, when you click on one of the thumbnails there are no navigation links again.

    Not a bad site, layed out simply which is good, gets to the pages fast which is important, images need to be smaller, not the thumbnails the main photos.

    Hope that helps.
    Thanks for the review, I appreciate your must be a veteran at making pages. I will consider all your comments and update some things in rev.1.

  6. #6
    CB Photography CB Photo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    South Carolina, USA

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    I thought it was easy to navigate, and i did not mind simply hitting the back button on the browser to return from the photos to the thumbs. I would like to see a more umiform approach to your bigger pictures, as some are small, some are large.
    Not bad at all, although Peter makes some fine points. The strenght here is your photos. Very good and worth whatever little extra effort might be involved to get there.

    Thanks, I tried to make it as a simple page (even though that is all I can do...haha), thanks for looking and commenting.

  7. #7
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    N.Y. U.S.A.

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_AUS
    Except Gary it isn't about the images, it is web design mostly in this forum.
    Your right , Peter. Good point.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  8. #8
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles, California

    Re: Please take a look and let me know...

    I suggest you also place “Contact us” icon after “Purchase”.

    The first web design rule is fast, clean and pleasant. This will make customers can contact us “ faster.
    Mike Young
    Union & Brothers
    We Build Best Photo die cutters

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